Publications & Resources
Selected peer reviewed articles:
On integrating habitat into urban space:
- [PDF] Dyson, K. 2019. Vegetation communities on commercial developments are heterogenous and determined by development and landscaping decisions, not socioeconomics. PloS ONE, 14 (9).
- [PDF] Dyson, K. and Yocom, K. 2014. Ecological design for urban waterfronts. Urban Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1007/s11252-014-0385-9
- [email for PDF] Menconi M. E., Heland L., Grohmann D., 2020. Lessons learned from the oldest urban community garden in Seattle, a resilient urban land use, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening Journal.
- [email for PDF] Soyinka O., Spencer B., Siu Kin Wai M., Hou J., Heland L., 2018. Urban Informal Settlement and Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Design: Investigating the Correlates and Mitigation Strategy, In Charytonowicz Jerzy (Ed.), Advances in Human Factors, Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure. Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 International Conference on Human Factors, Sustainable urban planning and infrastructure, July 17-21 2017, California. 1st ed. 2018 Edition. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-94199-8_28
- [email for PDF] Heland, L. 2012. Local Commitment: An Approach to Sustainable Neighbourhood Renewal? In Ercoskun Ozge Yalciner, Green and Ecological Technologies for Urban Planning: Creating Smart Cities, IGI Global Ed, pp. 351-369. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-453-6.ch01
- [PDF] Molden, O.C. 2019. Water Heritage and Urban Development: Lessons from Nepal’s Kathmandu Valley. Journal of Heritage Management.
- [PDF] Molden, O.C., Khanal, A., Pradhan. 2018. The pain of water: a household perspective of water insecurity and inequity in the Kathmandu Valley Water Policy.
- [email for PDF] Molden, O.C., Griffin, N.J., & Meehan K.M. 2016. The cultural dimensions of household water security: the case of Kathmandu’s stone spout systems. Water international.
- [email for PDF] Molden O. & Meehan K. 2017. Sociotechnical imaginaries of urban development: social movements around “traditional” water infrastructure in the Kathmandu Valley. Urban Geography, 39(5), 763- 782.
- [email for PDF] Molden, O., Abrams J., Davis E.J, Moseley, C. 2017. Beyond localism: The micropolitics of local legitimacy in a community-based organization. Journal of Rural Studies, 50, 60-69.
Methods papers & technical reports:
- [PDF] Dyson, K., Ziter, C., Fuentes, T.L. and Patterson, M.S., 2019. Conducting urban ecology research on private property: advice for new urban ecologists. Journal of Urban Ecology, 5(1), p.juz001.
- [PDF] Molden, O. C. 2019. Short Take: Story-mapping Experiences. Field Methods.
- [PDF] Steinbrueck, P., Dyson, K., McNair, M., and Patterson, M. 2015. Seattle 2035 Urban Village Study Final Report. 161pp.
- [PDF] Heland, L., Dyson, K. and Green Futures Lab. 2017. Draft Finn Hill Neighborhood Plan. Report to the City of Kirkland and Finn Hill Neighborhood Association.
- [PDF] Dyson, K. and Peterson, M. 2018. Methods for Canopy Cover Assessment. Report to City of Sammamish.
Organized conferences, workshops, etc.
Data & Code
- [GitHub] Dyson, K. Helper scripts for common community ecology functions.